Melita Rova Psychotherapy London and Athens

About Therapy. purpleflower-fw

Therapy is based on a private and confidential conversation that takes place in a protected time and space during each therapy session between two persons.

Counselling usually has a specific focus because it is time-limited.
Psychotherapy is usually open-ended and involves a process of discovery, exploration and in depth work within one's self and life.

Each person will search for meaning, will ask questions, will look for answers in a way that is personal.

Counselling and psychotherapy both carry the potential to create a holding environment within which you can pause, sit and think about your self and your life together with your therapist in order to come to a closer relationship with your self, others and the world. Most of us cannot get there in isolation. In fact therapy is trying to help us find a way out of isolation and alienation and open a way towards the other. This 'other' is often the one mystery and the one surprise that life will patiently hold for us until we are ready.

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